新闻动态 NEWS
| 再见北上广!毕业生正流向二线城市
College graduates in China are leaving first-tier cities for second-tier ones, according to the annual College Graduates' Employment Report issued on Monday.
The report said that only 21 percent of college graduates last year chose to work in first-tier cities—Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen—down 4 percentage points from 2014.
Last year, 24 percent of college graduates chose to leave first-tier cities after working there for three years, up 6 percentage points from 2014.
Second-tier cities have also rolled out favorable policies to attract university graduates, which include preferential treatment to obtain hukou, as well as housing and government subsidies.
Around 37.3 percent of college graduates who chose to work in one of the top 10 second-tier cities such as Hangzhou, Chengdu, Ningbo and Wuhan were from other regions in 2018, up 9.4 percentage points from 2014, the report said.
这份大学生就业报告由麦可思研究院(MyCOS)编写,由社会科学文献出版社(Social Sciences Academic Press)共同发布,调查了来自30个省级地区的30.3万名毕业生,迄今已是第11年发布。
Wang Boqing, founder of MyCOS, said large populations, traffic congestion, smog, surging property prices and difficulty in obtaining permanent residence, or hukou, have made life in first-tier cities less attractive for college graduates.
"I had to work till 10 pm almost everyday in Shenzhen but after I moved to Ningbo, I can leave work around 5 pm. I feel much more relaxed in Ningbo as it is much cheaper to live there and the city has a much slower pace of life," he said.