| 经贸往来常用英汉词汇
按时付款 honor a payment in due time
补偿贸易 compensation trade
尝试性订购 trial / try-out order
撤消资本折旧率 deregulation of capital depreciation rates
出口创汇能力 capacity to earn foreign exchange through exports
出口加工区 export processing zones
到岸加佣金价 Cost , Insurance , Freight and Commission (C.I.F.C.)
底盘 floor offer
定金 down payment
独家经销代理 exclusive selling agency
独立核算工业企业 independent accounting unit (enterprise)
对外商投资实行国民待遇 grant national treatment to foreign investors
分享权利与义务 share rights and obligations
付款方式 way of payment
关税壁垒 customs barrier ; tariff wall
管理知识 managerial expertise
国际海洋运输保险协会 International Union of Marine Insurance
国际商会 International Chamber of Commerce
宏观经贸 macroeconomics and trade
互补互惠的合作关系 complementary and mutual beneficial partnership
花旗银行 National City Bank of New York
回佣 return commission
汇丰银行 Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
季节性折扣 seasonal discount
加岸价 Free On Board (F.O.B.)
鉴于实际情况 in consideration of the actual conditions
建立业务关系 enter into business relations with
进出口商会 chamber of import and export trade
进出口商品交易会 Import and Export Commodities Fair
进口渗透 import penetration
经济合作与开发组织 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (DECD)
经济组织 Economic Organizations
经营范围 line / scope of business
净利润 net profit
开/收盘价 opening / closing price
可兑换货币 convertible currency
库存有限 limited stock
离岸加运费价 Cost and Freight (C&F)
利润分配 distribution in profits share
零售价 retail price
贸易索赔 business claim
米兰银行 Midland Bank,Ltd.
目的港船边交货价 Free Over Side (F.O.S.)
欧洲投资银行 European Intestment Bank (EIB)
批发价 wholesale price
潜在市场 potential market
取得丰厚的经济回报 yield fat economic returns
全额退款 a full refund
三资企业 three kinds of foreign-invested enterprises or ventures
商业界 business community
实/虚盘 firm/non-firm offer
实施市场多元化战略 implement the strategy of market diversification
受同一种规章制度的制约 be subject to the same regulations or constraints
双边贸易 bilateral trade
双赢战略 win-win strategy
随行就市 be subject to market fluctuation
索赔 claim for a compensation
讨价还价 bargain
投资比重 share of investment
投资热 the rising investment fever
投资意向 an investment proposal
外商独资 exclusively foreign-owned enterprises
违约 breach of the contract / agreement
稳妥的速度和规模 (at) a moderate rate and a safe scale
吸引外商直接投资 attract foreign direct investment
现/期货价 spot / forward price
现货 spot goods
现金结算 cash settlement
信用证结算 payment by letter of credit (L/C)
续约 extend the contract
易货贸易 barter trade
有利可图 profitable / lucrative
诱人的投资政策 attractive investment policies
招标投标制 the system of public bidding for projects
招商引资 attract / bid for / invite investments (from overseas )
中外合资 Sino-foreign joint ventures
中外合作 Sino-foreign cooperative businesses
装运港船边交货价 Free Alongside Ship (F.A.S.)
最大程度发挥双方优势 maximize the strengths of both parties